Our team is dedicated to partnering with parents
to guide and nurture children in their journey of faith and discipline
Reach, Connect, and Teach children by displaying the love of God, teaching them God’s word, and sharing the gospel in every occasion.
We envision our LifePoint kids blooming into a generation of men and women who have set their hope in God, who keep His commandments, and whose hearts are steadfast and faithful before Him because they have been taught of the glorious deeds and acts of the Lord. (Psalm 78)
Children are a valued gift from God. (Psalm 127:3-5, Luke 17:2, Mark 10:13-16)
Children, like the rest of humanity, are seriously flawed and need a savior. (Genesis 8:21, Psalm 51:5)
God has a plan for the salvation of children and so we reach them with His word, and tell them of His faithfulness.
Children can grow in grace & knowledge of our God and Savior, and can use their spiritual gifts for the glory of God. (2 Peter 3:18, 1 Corinthians 14:12)
Parents are the primary caretakers of their children and are mandated by God with the teaching, discipline, and discipling of their children. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Proverbs 23:13, Proverbs 22:6)
The members of our church carry the responsibility to fulfill its pledge to the families to nurture and train children in the ways of the Lord. (Psalm 78)
Do you love working with kids? Would you like to serve LifePoint Children's Ministry on Sunday's? We would love to meet you. If you would like to volunteer during a Sunday service, fill out the application and you'll here from the team soon.
From newborns to 5th graders, we warmly welcome kids with love and treat with kindness and respect. The environment surrounding LP Kids is saturated with truths about God and His plans for them, so that the children may know God, love Him, and walk with Him. Check out what's happening on the Events Page.